Approximately 85% of households in inner London do not have access to a driveway or garage and cannot install a home chargepoint; therefore on-street residential charging solutions will be required to support consumers to consider buying or using an EV in the future. Hackney Council recognised the need to help meet this growing need from its residents in a range of ways, including on-street chargers and rapid charging hubs.
Steer produced a report exploring the feasibility of implementing a dense network of Electric Vehicle Charging Points (EVCPs) within the London Borough of Hackney to be used by residents. Our study considered the necessary planning required to implement a high-level ambition from Hackney Council of providing two lamppost chargers per street across the borough.
How we helped
Using geodemographic profiling, we have considered consumer behaviour and characteristics to analyse the relative propensity to change to an EV across the borough and the implied need for supporting Electric Vehicle Chargepoint infrastructure. The areas with the highest ranking for potential demand were overlaid with the current EVCPs requests made by the residents within the borough, which concluded a strong correlation between the two datasets.
Throughout the study Steer evaluated existing datasets, studies, survey reports and case studies combined with expert knowledge and stakeholder interviews in order to provide insight and evaluate the electrification initiatives and how they can be applied within the borough.
In addition to an assessment of the EVCPs required, Steer also prepared detailed information on:
- User Behaviour;
- The Electrical Distribution network;
- Asset Management; and
- Financial Management.